Windowbear : A Song For My Dog

I’m not a songwriter, but this is actually not a bad song

Sarah Miller
Oct 16, 2020


I drove up to Chico for a flat of pears
And saw a Red Heeler that was part éclair
I said “Can I be your forever au pair?”
You said: “If I can be your Windowbear”

Windowbear in action

Windowbear, Windowbear
Now when I come home you’re always there
Standing on the bed, standing on a chair
Looking out the window like a Windowbear

Windowbear being Windowbear

Your eyes your ears your golden hair
You’re The Jungle, I’m Upton Sinclair
You’re Ginger Rogers, I’m Fred Astaire
You’ve effectively made me a kajillionaire

Classic Windowbear

Ohhh, I do declare
The Eiffel Tower and l’ École Militaire
Are further apart than I could bear
To be away from you mon frére
How hard I would fight in every…



Sarah Miller

Sarah Miller is a writer living in Northern California.